Countdown to 12-21-2012

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ek' Waynal CD ready to order! Get yours today

It's ready! The CD of Ek'Waynal, The Galactic Center and 2012 is now ready for order.
Learn what the Maya said about 2012, and how the Galactic Alignment affects us today.

Current astrological events confirm the power of Now! The veils are thinning, transcendent experiences are available to everyone.

How can you navigate the Shift?

This hour long PowerPoint presentation is accompanied by a recorded narration by Hamida Judith Dides, M.A. who started studying the Maya 40 years ago. As an anthropologist, linguist, astrologer and spiritual seeker, Hamida is able to see the connections between levels of knowledge.

Get your copy by clicking the PayPal button in the Sidebar "Ek'Waynal CD".

It's 21.95 plus 3.95 for shipping and handling.